The Walking Dead: A New Frontier (also known as The Walking Dead: Season Three) is an episodic graphic adventure game based on Robert Kirkman’s The Walking Dead comic book series developed by Telltale Games. Players can direct the current character under their control around the environment, examine and interact with various scenery elements and collect and use objects to advance the story. The player can also initiate conversations with non-player characters via conversation trees. Certain replies from other characters may offer the player multiple choices to select from, including the option to stay silent, with a limited amount of time to make the selection; if the player does not select an option, the conversation will continue as if they had stayed quiet. Such choices can affect how the other characters will later react to the player-character which can influence later events in the story. Other scenes are more action-oriented, requiring the player to complete quick time events to prevent the player-character or their allies from getting killed. If the player fails these events, the game will restart at the start of such scenes. Such action scenes may also require the player to make a key decision within a limited time frame, such as which of two characters to save from attacking walkers.

The Walking Dead: A New Frontier System Requirements


  • OS: Windows 7 64Bit Service Pack 1 or higher
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4GHz
  • RAM: 3 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia GTS 450+ with 1024MB+ VRAM (excluding GT)
  • Storage: 8 GB available space